Medical volunteering: volunteer opportunities which allow you to directly observe and interact with patients
Non-medical volunteering: volunteer opportunities which do not allow you to directly observe and interact with patients
Should I Do Medical or Non-Medical Volunteering?
Do whatever you're passionate about, whether it's medical or non-medical. Generally, it's good to have at least one kind of medical experience though (working, job shadowing, volunteering, research, etc) so you can show admissions committees that you're committed to medicine and understand what that commitment means.
Personal Experiences

As a student pursuing a career in medicine you will hear over and over how important volunteering is. It can be very daunting at first, especially as a large university like Iowa, but once you know what to look for you will be able to find the right fit for you. Many pre-med students assume you need to volunteer in healthcare, but that is not the case. I have volunteered with several different organizations, some related to medicine and some not, and they all have provided me with amazing experiences. If you enjoy patient care I would investigate volunteering in a hospital, clinic, or nursing home. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics has a lot of amazing opportunities ranging from inside the hospital to on the road with clinics. I currently volunteer at the Mobile Clinic which has given me great experience with patients and healthcare. If you are not yet comfortable with patient care, or maybe you just need a change of scenery, there are a lot of other volunteer opportunities not related to medicine. Food banks and shelters are always looking for help. In the past I volunteered with the Riverbend Food Bank which not only lead me to meet some amazing individuals, but also gave me hands on experience with assisting others. The important thing to remember when finding an organization to volunteer for is not how good it looks on paper, but how much you enjoy it. If you genuinely enjoy the volunteer work you are doing, you and those you are helping will get so much more out of it.
Human Physiology
UI, 2023
My Volunteer Experiences:

Get involved with stuff you're passionate about, not necessarily medically related and start it early. I went to Iowa was involved in Camp Kesem, Dance Marathon, among other volunteering orgs (I was a companion at a nursing home, a volunteer in elementary schools to promote writing, a hospital volunteer etc.) and other organizations but the schools tended to really talk to me about stuff I was interested in and had a lot of hours put into!
One more thing - I didn't really know about volunteering with the mobile clinic until I was actually in medical school but I would really recommend this for pre-meds and others interested in a health professional school. You will volunteer with a lot of medical students and can talk to them about any questions you have. Plus, there are many roles you can volunteer in and you can gain so much hands on knowledge with taking vitals and doing labs and working with patients, which is so helpful for the future!
Carver COM
M.D., 2023
My Volunteer Experiences:
American Cancer Society
Provides volunteers with virtual ways to volunteer through companionship or even working to garner support for cancer treatment. Also has some in person opportunities as simple as providing rides to treatment for patients.
This websites goal is to create the largest digital library through the sole help of volunteers. Volunteers donate eligible books, transcribe books, and proofread others’ work.
Project Gutenberg
Women's Resource and Action Center
We will be shifting our training and activities online for the semester but we will still be offering opportunities to get involved in social justice campaigns, event planning and programming, current events discussions, and opportunities for personal growth and development.
Big Brothers and Big Sisters
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Iowa City VA Health Care System
Volunteers provide many important functions throughout the Iowa City VA Health Care System and help make our patients' stay more enjoyable. Volunteers can perform a number of services, and a volunteer's talents are closely matched with one of our many assignments
601 Highway 6 W
Iowa City, IA
Emma Goldman Clinic
We exist to empower women through quality reproductive health care that includes abortion services, gynecology services, safer sex promotion, and active education. Our volunteer opportunities vary and are based on not only skills, interest and experience, but the amount of time that you are able to contribute to the clinic including Direct Service Training for assisting with Walk-In Pregnancy Services and Abortion Advocacy
227 N Dubuque St
Iowa City, IA
Mental Health/Counseling
4515 Melrose Ave
Iowa City, IA
Provide short and long-term residential treatment services for adults with mental health and medical conditions, intellectual disabilities and elderly who require 24-hour treatment and supervision. Our programs help individuals gain the necessary skills to return to live in the community of their choice
Chatham Oaks, Inc.
CommUnity Crisis Services
Volunteers are trained in a wide variety of counseling techniques and will provide direct support to clients in need over the phone, text, or online. The training and experience are excellent preparation for those pursuing careers in health care, social work, or related fields.
1121 S Gilbert St
Iowa City, IA
Compeer of Johnson County
The Compeer Program matches adults who are living with mental illness with community volunteers to create intentional friendships with the goal of reducing isolation and loneliness. You will meet with your friend on a regular basis at mutually convenient times to share activities you both enjoy.

Location varies
Senior Services
Lantern Park Nursing and Rehab Center
Iowa City Hospice
You may find your calling in helping with administrative tasks at our office, or your warmth and concern for people may lead you to become a patient care volunteer, where you quickly find that simple acts like sitting and talking or holding a hand have a tremendous impact on someone’s life.
1025 Wade St
Iowa City, IA
Patient and Family Support
Access 2 Independence
Alzheimer's Association
Our volunteers are passionate, inspired, and making a difference in the fight to end Alzheimer's disease. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or can make a more significant time commitment, please consider becoming an Alzheimer's Association volunteer. Includes opportunities to volunteer as a Support Group Facilitator, Advocate, etc.

Location varies
200 Hawkins Dr
Iowa City, IA
Community volunteers serve refreshments to donors after they've donated at area blood drives. As a refreshment host, volunteers help donors feel comfortable and appreciated as they rest the required post donation time. Telerecruitment Volunteers come to the Donor Center to call donors, reminding them that it is time to schedule another donation
DeGowin Blood Center
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivor Support/Advocacy
Domestic Violence Intervention Program
Nisaa African Family Services
Do you want to assist survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault? Are you interested in doing prevention work or community education? Or working with the youth? Are you interested in planning events or helping out at one of our events?
1700 S 1st Ave
Suite A and B
Iowa City, IA 52240
Animals and Wildlife
Iowa City Animal Care and Adoption Center
Arts and Culture
Council for International Visitors to Iowa Cities
Englert Theatre
Volunteers serve at Englert events as ushers, taking tickets and seating patrons. They help out with facility maintenance and handy work. They assist with administrative duties and lend a hand in the box office. Their friendliness and enthusiasm is an irreplaceable part of the Englert experience.
221 E Washington St
Iowa City, IA
Summer of the Arts
We need 6-8 volunteers each week to check in our attendees and direct cars to parking spots before the movies, and help direct traffic at the end of the night. Volunteer shifts begin at 7:45PM, with a brief training and will conclude at the end of the night.
319 E 1st St
Iowa City, IA
Basic Needs
840 S Capitol St
Iowa City, IA
The mission of Table to Table is to keep wholesome, edible food from going to waste by collecting it from donors and distributing to those in need through agencies that serve the hungry, homeless and at-risk populations. Must Commit to minimum of 10 volunteer hours, or four volunteer shifts, and to a weekly three-hour shift
Table to Table
Shelter House
Shelter House volunteers selflessly donate over 2,500 hours of their time and talent each year and are the backbone of our daily work. When you volunteer at Shelter House, you solve problems, strengthen communities, connect to others, and improve lives
429 Southgate Ave
Iowa City, IA
CommUnity Food Bank
When you volunteer in the food bank or mobile pantry, you’ll work on a team of compassionate and dedicated individuals and might perform a wide range of tasks, including stocking shelves, assisting clients, or helping with data entry. Must commit to a weekly 3-hour shift for at least 6 months
1121 S Gilbert Ct
Iowa City, IA
The Salvation Army offers volunteer opportunities for individuals as well as opportunities for group projects. Independent volunteering is a great way to meet new people while helping others, and group projects serve as wonderful team-building activities for established groups or clubs
1116 Gilbert Ct
Iowa City, IA
Salvation Army
Free Lunch Program
The Free Lunch Program (FLP) is one of the quiet services in the Iowa City area. Started by two therapists from the Community Mental Health Center, wishing to address the concerns of their clients, it shows how all aspects of life effect someone's mental and physical outcomes.

Location varies
IC Compassion
IC Compassion is a Christ centered organization that engages culturally diverse communities together through hope, opportunities and partnerships. Together we equip people at their point of need to move out of poverty and inspire them to be of service to others.
1035 Wade St
Iowa City, IA
Iowa Legal Aid provides free, high quality legal education, advice, and representation to low-income and elderly Iowans with civil legal problems that most dramatically affect Iowa’s poor and vulnerable populations. We rely on volunteers to help us expand our abilities to reach even more people and provide them with excellent services
1700 S 1st Ave
Iowa City, IA
Iowa Legal Aid
The Arc of Southeast Iowa
We have many volunteer opportunities like reading to kids, playing games, preparing or helping with a craft and more! We also need volunteers for our exciting annual events like the Run, Walk, and FUN for the Kids, Trunk or Treat, Kid’s Week, and other fun events throughout the year
2350 Oakdale Blvd
Coralville, IS
Court Appointed Special Advocate of Iowa
Thousands of children in Iowa are currently under the juvenile court's jurisdiction due to abuse or neglect. CASA volunteers visit their assigned child, read case documents, contact other case parties and prepare a monthly update for their Coordinator and Coach.

Location varies
11 Macbride Hall
Iowa City, IA
We hope to inspire in visitors of all ages understanding and a sense of wonder, discovery, respect, and responsibility for our natural and cultural worlds through exhibits, educational programs, and collections, as well as through linkages with UI research and activities
University of Iowa Museum of Natural History
FIRST Tech Challenge
FIRST Tech Challenge students learn to think like engineers. Teams design, build, and code robots to compete in an alliance format against other teams. Robots are built from a reusable platform, powered by Android technology, and can be coded using a variety of levels of Java-based programming.

Location varies
Faith Academy
We encourage students to passionately pursue learning while understanding that life is characterized by loving God, loving others, and serving the world. This Christ-centered school will radiate with the gospel message, seek to transform the community, and elevate the value of education and redemption
1030 Cross Park Ave
Iowa City, IA
Iowa Tech Chicks
Iowa Youth Writing Project
IYWP is an arts outreach organization based at the University of Iowa that empowers, inspires, and engages K-12 youth throughout the state using language arts and creative thinking. We provide one-of-a-kind writing, publishing, and creative learning opportunities to Iowa’s children and teens.
24 Phillips Hall
Iowa City, IA
Friends of Coralville Lake
Grow Johnson County
You don't have to be a master gardener to make a difference. Our team always welcomes helping hands to assist with various tasks around the farm site--whether planting, weeding, harvesting, washing veggies, or even assisting with an educational demonstration.
4811 Melrose Ave
Iowa City, IA
Immigration Services
Friendship Community Project
Political/Social Justice
Center for Worker Justice of Eastern Iowa
Beloved Community Initiative
The Beloved Community Initiative for Racial Justice, Healing, and Reconciliation in Iowa is always looking for volunteers to help in the office, assist with hospitality at events and programs, and get the word out in the community about upcoming events
26 E Market St
Iowa City, IA
Senior Services
Iowa City Senior Center
Elder Services, Inc.
As an Elder Services volunteer, your time and kindness mean the world to older adults in need. Volunteer drivers deliver hot meals in Johnson County 5 days per week, helping to build a community where clients are able to age independently and with dignity in their own homes.
2210 9th St Ste 1
Coralville, IA
Special Needs/Disability Services
Uptown Bill's & Extend the Dream
Access 2 Independence
Devoted to empowering people with disabilities so they may achieve greater independence and community participation. Non-medically-related volunteer positions include community outreach, communications, operations, fundraising, and special event coordination
1556 S 1st Ave Ste B
Iowa City, IA
Camp Courageous
Each individual has unique gifts, and there are a variety of volunteer opportunities at Camp Courageous to share one’s gifts – answering phones in the office, serving on an event committee, being a camp counselor, cleaning up the grounds, or assisting with a fundraising event.

Location varies
Iowa Best Buddies
Positively impacting the lives of Iowans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and our network of volunteers who make it happen. Everyone has their own story to tell. Some are sad, some are happy, but all of them are about being a part of something bigger than ourselves.

Location varies
Special Olympics Iowa
Using sports as the catalyst, Special Olympics is fighting inactivity, injustice and intolerance. As a result, people with intellectual disabilities become accepted and valued members of their communities, which leads to a more respectful and inclusive society for all.

Location varies
NAMI Johnson County
Youth Programs
Big Brothers and Big Sisters
Girls on the Run
Over the course of the ten-week program, girls in 3rd-8th grade develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5K event
26 E Market St
Iowa City, IA
United Action for Youth
Volunteers at UAY help to create a positive, lasting impact on the youth that we serve. You will have the opportunity to build healthy relationships with young people. In turn, you will find that spending time with these young people will have a positive impact on you as well!
1700 S 1st Ave #14
Iowa City, IA 52240
355 Iowa Ave
Iowa City, IA 52240
Iowa City Kickers Soccer Club
Welcome to the home of the Iowa City Kickers Soccer Club. Iowa City Kickers is open to boys and girls in grades kindergarten through 12th grade. Our geographical coverage includes Iowa City, Coralville, North Liberty and surrounding communities.
Iowa City Kickers Soccer Park
Let Me Run
Let Me Run is a nonprofit wellness program that inspires boys to be themselves, be active, and belong. With a comprehensive curriculum that applies the power of running, the program encourages boys to develop their psychological, emotional and social health, in addition to their physical health.

Location varies